The journey to salvation begins by hearing the word of God (Rom. 10:17). This is more than mere listening; it's understanding and internalizing God's message. It's through hearing the Gospel that we learn about Christ's sacrifice and the salvation it offers. Hearing leads us to believe, which is the next vital step.

How To Be Saved
God's love is a gift, unearned and unmerited. But there's a path laid out in the New Testament—a series of steps—that guides us to access this incredible gift. So let's explore this together, shall we?
Ready for the Next Step?
If you are searching for salvation and a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ, we at Dowlen Road are here to walk with you.

Thinking of Getting Baptized?
You can do it right here at Dowlen Road Church of Christ. It's the start of your new life with God, and we'll support you every step of the way.

Interested in Learning More?
With a tailored Bible study, you can explore further and get answers to your questions. Learn from a knowledgeable Bible teacher to solidify your path to salvation.