We are located at 3060 Dowlen Rd, Beaumont, just across from HEB.
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Helpful Info For Our New Guests
3060 Dowlen Rd, Beaumont, TX
Sun: 9:30AM & 5:00PM | Wed: 7:00PM
What Can I Expect?
Walking With You Toward Peace and Purpose
Services Times
Sunday AM Bible Study
9:30 AM
Sunday AM Worship
10:30 AM
Sunday PM Bible Study
5:00 PM
Wednesday PM Bible Study
7:00 PM

Where We’re Located
Dowlen Road Church of Christ
3060 Dowlen Rd, Beaumont, TX 77706
Have questions about visiting? We have the answers!
We Think You’ll Love Dowlen Road Too!
"This church is in the business of saving souls."
Luvly4sure S

"Your online services provide spiritual encouragement and comfort."
Ray Findley

"A church that truly cares about your soul and your family."
Westley Pollard II